Would you like to minister to others through writing? Come learn the basics for getting started and leave with a plan for beginning your life as a writer. In this topic you will: learn...
Hannah dives deep into Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to show the heart of God as one that provides. She shares about the often emotional topic of generosity in a very...
What's the difference between confidence and arrogance? This question distracts too many women from fully engaging in the life God desires for them.Women will be energized...
Confused by life? Mixed up? Feeling a bit whipped? During this program, you'll meet God as a Master Chef. The kitchen is your life, the recipe is the journey, and you are His signature...
The Bible is full of examples of God's provision for His people when He has given them a vision. From the Old Testament (Abraham in Genesis 15:1) to the New Testament (Paul in...
The Bible is filled with the promises of God which include a promise to provide clothing for his children. Matthew 6:25-34 admonishes, or strongly advises, not to worry about...
A cruise theme is a fun ladies event. This is called "Cruisin through Life: How to Prepare for the trip of a Lifetime"In 2 Peter 1:1-11 Peter talks to pilgrims journeying...
Ever wonder why some people attract friends like a magnet and others don’t? What does God have to say about friends and close relationships? We will talk about the keys to meaningful...