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Posted by: Jennifer Sands on 08/25/2023

All Stirred Up: In the Kitchen with the Master Chef

Confused by life? Mixed up? Feeling a bit whipped? During this program, you'll meet God as a Master Chef. The kitchen is your life, the recipe is the journey, and you are His signature dish. It'll be fear-busting, faith-building, and fun, so come!


Women hate to feel "out of control," even a little. Yet, many times we find ourselves with no control over our circumstances. 

Jennifer gets it, deeply, and uses this cooking analogy to lighten up a tough topic. 

Women may come feeling down, discouraged or confused, but they will leave with confidence and hope. 

Based on Romans 8:28, and ideal for 45-60 minute programs, invite Jennifer to ignite the faith of your women. God provides all the ingredients needed to bring good out of difficult situations. He requires our faith. 

This session is joyous and convincing. It promises to create a permanent point of reference for all those who attend. You'll never go back to a faithless perspective about mixed-up emotions, stirred-up fears, or heated-up circumstances again. 

Reach out to discuss how this program could fit into your women's ministry calendar.


“Jennifer is blessed with the gifts of writing, speaking, and bringing her audience along with her.... She's proof that God's best work is accomplished when we depend completely upon Him."  Joann Jordan, President, Garlands of Grace Ministries

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