When we come up against trials, we're often told to "just trust God." While that sounds good, what does that look like? How can we exercise real trust in practical ways...
Posted by Toni Campbell on 12/17/2024
Are you ready to take God's Word from the pages of the Bible into the real world, where broken, hurting people need the hope of Jesus? In "Just Do It," Georgina will...
Memorial stones were a constant visible reminder of God's promises, love, help and miracles. As women of faith what memorial stones are we leaving for those who follow us?...
Posted by Susan Peaslee on 10/28/2024
Are you desiring more from your prayer life? Are you ready to change your world? Learn from the Saints as they brought their honest, heartfelt petitions before God's holy throne....
Posted by Susan Peaslee on 10/28/2024
Life's journey often takes us through valleys of despair, where darkness and depression seem overwhelming. It's in these moments that God's healing power can become most...
Posted by Ruth Wheat on 06/26/2024
I was paralyzed in circumstances I didn't know how to navigate. Remarriage after a messy divorce, blending a family with four kids, and my new stepmom role brought isolation, loneliness,...
Posted by Gayla Grace on 02/18/2024
In a world where promises are broken on the daily, isn't it good to know that our Heavenly Father always keeps His promises? We have so many examples of this throughout the Word...
Identify your passion, find your purpose and stand on the promises of God.This weekend retreat is designed to start you on the path to finding your purpose, (or confirming it), identify...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/29/2023
I'm passionate about helping women find hope in the midst of their mess - whether large or small, self-induced or thrust upon them. As a former Playboy Bunny with a reckless disregard...
Posted by Robyn Dykstra on 08/06/2023
The King of Kings promises incredible gifts to us: a New Identity, a Divine Nature, and a Sacred Intimacy. God invites us to relish His gifts, but we get stuck in our old identity,...
Embrace a life of audacious hope with Kelly Master in this empowering session. Discover how to stand unwavering on the Word of God, refusing to shrink from challenging circumstances....
Posted by Kelly Master on 04/29/2018