Every woman desires and needs the friendships of women but developing good friendships can be difficult! Using Biblical examples, Robin helps women discover how to sow the seeds of...
Posted by Robin R King on 01/31/2019
Too often you and I find ourselves worrying. Over-analyzing. Agonizing over mental dramas we have played out in our minds. Before long, we can end up doubting the fundamentals of our...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 12/10/2018
Through the account in Mark 5 of the woman with the issue of bleeding and Jairus's daughter, this message is a discovery of God's desire to heal our plagues (mental, emotional,...
Posted by Tammy Sinclair on 11/07/2018
Perfect for workshops, keynotes, small or large group events. "Weighty Baggage" helps women to pinpoint the sabatogers in their thoughts, life scripts, behaviors, and...
Discover the Transformative Power of Self-Care with CherylAre you constantly giving to others but neglecting your own needs? It's time to prioritize yourself and embrace a healthier,...
Hope Rising, Tammy's signature talk, is intended to encourage and support women of all ages who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, trafficking and other...
Presentations Track presenter for the AACC World Conference 2011Track presenter for the AACC National Conference 2012Track presenter for TRBC LIFE Group Conference 2012Presenter...
Posted by Jeanne Brooks on 07/08/2018
Where were You God? If You really love me, how could You have let this happen? Will I ever feel whole again? Painfully raw questions from a broken woman in a place...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 07/03/2018
In a world that puts so much focus on caring for our physical selves, how do we care for our Soul? How do we focus on keeping our whole self, the physical, mental, emotional,...
Open a dialogue about the challenges, disappointments, advantages and opportunities of being a sibling in a family affected by disability. Discussion topics include sibling conflict,...
Posted by Lisa Jamieson on 03/15/2018
Do you feel mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually weak? Then you are a good candidate for God to train about war. Everyone wants to be a winner, an overcomer,...
Posted by Marlene Salcher on 05/19/2017
Let's be honest--we have to take good care of ourselves! So many women fail to set healthy boundaries, guard their hearts, renew their minds and take care of their emotional/mental/physical...