God's Design for Motherhood is something our hearts yearn to discover. Motherhood is one of life’s greatest joys and biggest challenges. It’s our love for our kids...
Vital Ignition, the nourishment you really crave. Are you living your optimal life? If not, why? What’s stopping you? We have one chance at this life to make the most of it....
Women Who Rock Their World - Becoming More Influential Than You Ever Dreamed Possible - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought...
If you are married, at one time or another your spouse will need care from you, and you will surely also have to give care. My husband and I have had to lean the ins and outs of caregiving...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 10/31/2021
Just like Hannah, year after year her rival provoked her, you have had one trial after another; constant oppression. You have had enough and it is time to stand up! Have...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 08/08/2021
Humans across the globe are realizing the excruciating nature of navigating chronic struggles versus situational stressors. Crystal brings education, encouragement, and vulnerability...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
When you feel like you're the only one enduring the pain inside, Crystal reminds audiences they are not alone in this broken world. Human-ing can be hard and invisible struggles...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
When is the last time you felt completely at ease walking into a room, an opportunity, or in the face of opposition? As beings created for community, collaboration, and compassion...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
Women today are struggling with anxious thoughts and at times feeling very stuck. These struggles can lead to clinical depression and anxiety. Michelle Nietert, a 20 year professional...
Posted by Michelle Nietert on 06/04/2021
Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) - Speaker In 16 years we've had more than 36,000 Babies saved. As the Executive Director I've arranged many Keynote Speakers! What...
Posted by Pam Caylor on 05/22/2021
The devil’s plan is for us to continue living with the pain of our past and not moving forward to enjoy the life Jesus gave us. But Ruth demonstrated her passion to change...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/18/2021
Do you desire to reach the lost but don't know where to begin? Leslie has a passion for evangelism and enjoys sharing easy steps to reach others with the Good News.Training followed...