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Posted by: Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021

Invisible Battles and Realistic Success Strategies

When you feel like you're the only one enduring the pain inside, Crystal reminds audiences they are not alone in this broken world.  Human-ing can be hard and invisible struggles are weighty.

As a resilience communicator, Crystal delivers vulnerable personal and professional stories to audiences seeking validation, compassion, and education around the struggle find themselves navigating. Often times, our invisible battles create a barrier between us and the solutions we ache so deeply for: belonging, love, peace, calm, slower pace, goals achieved. No matter if the invisible battle is physical, mental, emotional, social, and even financial - leaving struggles in silence allows the pain to remain. 

Our success or status does not keep us immune from these and can be hard to cope with when they arise unexpectedly or last longer than anticipated. Broken expectations and re-evaluating approaches will be addressed in this inspirational session that includes applicable tools and the necessary level of vulnerability appropriate for the audience. 

Crystal McFadden LPC - Success Mindset: Invisible Battles - www.crystalmcfadden.com

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