A closer look at the temptations that are common to women and how our devotion to God and an alert heart can avoid them. Includes Combat Prayers, In the Trenches stories, In the trenches...
Posted by Cathy Messecar on 01/02/2018
She’s trying to avoid everyone and everything that reminds her of her disappointing, dissatisfying life. A closer look at the women at the well. ...
Posted by Michele Gooch on 09/22/2017
What makes epic stories epic? Why does there seem to be such a longing for epic heroes these days, from our movies to our daily news? What is the lure of story, and why do we all want...
The talk was given at a women's dessert and tea in Spokane Wa. She took my hand and squeezed it tighter than I thought possible of her delicate hands and she looked into...
Posted by Kim Chaffin on 04/16/2017
In this life we will have suffering and yet some of us suffer more than others. We sit and question why God would allow so much sadness and heartache to happen to one particular...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 11/27/2016
Marriage Magnifier is the six-hour marriage enrichment seminar presented by Dr. Rick and Nancy Kay Grace is for couple’s events sponsored by churches. Together, Rick and...
Posted by Nancy Kay Grace on 08/17/2016
"Busy-ness" can destroy relationships and even our spiritual walk. Follow Paula in a personal reflection of how "busy-ness" became her idol and was contrary to...
Posted by Paula Frizzell on 07/19/2016
Are we taking time daily to notice those "moments" that give us chill bumps, to stop and breathe, to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit? While we are busy chasing after...
Posted by Paula Frizzell on 07/19/2016
Do you want to feel closer to God but struggle with finding the time? Life is like an over-stuffed suitcase packed to the brim with constant activity. But there are answers to our...
Women need to know and respond to God's offer of a life worth living. His invitation extends to everyone. Find out how God can heal your hurts, habits and hang-ups by accepting...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 12/30/2015
How do we balance power and compassion as a leader at work or at home? Are we called to be leaders? This retreat will look closely at our gifts and passions as well as give insight...
Posted by Patricia Farrell on 11/02/2015
Session 1: Pressing On When Life is Pressing In is based on Philippians 3:12-14. During this first session we will examine 2Corinthians 4:7-9 and talk about the things we are ie hard...
Posted by Kim Wright on 10/29/2015