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Posted by: Kim Chaffin on 04/16/2017

Finding Christ in a Cold Season

The talk was given at a women's dessert and tea in Spokane Wa. 

She took my hand and squeezed it tighter than I thought possible of her delicate hands and she looked into my eyes. I can still picture those beautiful eyes that I am sure had seen so much over all the years.  She said, “You are my angel and God sent you to me today”.  The lump in my throat made it hard to breath for a moment.  We hugged again and I wished them both a “Merry Christmas” closed the car door and returned the shopping cart with teary eyes and heart filled with joy.  To be totally honest I had to set in my car and get a grip on myself because I burst into tears when I closed my door.

That day I was in a big hurry to get a lot of things done.  I very easily could have ignored that couple and moved along to the next thing on my long list of to-do’s.  I wonder how many times I have missed chances to show kindness towards others because I was in too much of a hurry to stop. Maybe you are also missing those opportunities? That day was a wake up call for me. 

In the random acts of kindness, the simplest conversations we have with strangers, or even how we respond to other drivers who are in a hurry to get their holiday shopping done, we, depending on our actions, have the ability to show God’s warmth and love to others in this cold season.

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