Often we feel we have too much baggage to be effective. Learn how to empty our bags of dirty laundry and pack them with life giving tools based on Biblical principles. Shelly...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
1 Timothy 1:19 warns against having our faith shipwrecked. How can we keep that from happening even when life is hard and challenges our faith. Learn ways to grow and protect your...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
We want to live on the mountaintop but often we find ourselves in the valleys of life. Learn how the valleys of life can be a time of refreshment and growth to prepare us for the next...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
Women Who Rock Their World - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought to life women in Scripture, in history and in present day examples....
From the foundations of the world, God saw you! He has called and anointed you for a specific purpose.In this teaching series, Melissa discusses the importance of embracing our...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 09/12/2018
You're excited about writing a book, script, or article, or perhaps you're putting together a new talk. Suddenly you realize you have few ideas or an abundance of them. Mind-Mapping...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018
How can we be certain God forgives us, especially if we still feel condemned?How can we forgive those who have hurt us, especially if they were the ones in the wrong?Will God still...
Posted by Karen Jurgens on 08/08/2018
Crisis Care and Self Care Alliance Relief Athens Greece 2017Neurobiology of Treating Complex Trauma and the Sex Trafficked 3 Angels Pokhora Nepal 2017Neurobiology of Complex Trauma,...
Posted by Jeanne Brooks on 07/08/2018
Presentations Track presenter for the AACC World Conference 2011Track presenter for the AACC National Conference 2012Track presenter for TRBC LIFE Group Conference 2012Presenter...
Posted by Jeanne Brooks on 07/08/2018
The world is loud. How do we hear the voice of God over all the clamor and clutter of our daily lives? How do we trust that God is speaking and it's not just our imagination or...
Posted by Kelly Master on 05/23/2018
Moving in the prophetic is biblical, however, many run fast and far from it. Why is that? Why are we afraid of moving in this gift from the Holy Spirit? We can learn to embrace prophecy...
Posted by Kelly Master on 05/23/2018
Candy loves speaking with women and challenging them to rise up to be everything God is calling them to be–as a mother, wife, friend, coworker, minister, and more. The Seven...
Posted by Candy Gibbs on 05/03/2018