Jesus, the Name above all names, Beautiful Savior, Wonderful Counselor, Son of God, Prince of Peace, our Savior. Jesus, isn't His name beautiful? Learn the names of Jesus found...
What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit and what does it look like? Galatians teaches us that a spiritual life is evidenced by fruit that lasts for eternity. We...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
What does excellence mean in a world that is so far from excellent at times? And why pursue it? Jesus gives us the answer by showing us an excellent example of how to live...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
Sit down for a moment and just relax. Close your eyes and imagine you’re at an exclusive spa. But this spa is providing refreshment to your soul, inspiration for...
Having difficulty finding peace these days? It’s not surprising, given your busy life and our wacky world. Come away with me and rediscover real and lasting peace....
Life is a journey filled with treacherous roadways, a persnickety physical engine, and endless obstacles along the way. But it’s also a glorious adventure packed with passionate...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
Does life feels like a three-ring circus ... running, performing, and constantly changing roles? Does work sometimes feel like a high-wire act ... with you as the tightrope walker?...
Do you long to know God deeper and experience greater intimacy with Jesus? Would you like to know how to tap into the heart of Christ and fully experience his Spirit in your...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
We've all been hurt. Someone's actions have caused pain, anger, and resentment. The Bible tells us forgiveness is God's answer, but how do we...
Posted by Mary Kay Isaacs on 12/12/2023
Based on her book “Baseball Family: The 9 Core Qualities of Loving Relationships," Billie shares the personal qualities necessary to foster healthy relationships and help...
Through a five step DETOX from emotional toxins, we claim confidence and find fulfillment, not adding one more thing but realizing God’s best things. When Billie found herself...
Posted by Billie Jauss on 12/11/2023
The importance of mothers is being challenged around the world. Although coming from an abusive home where her mother was the abuser, Muriel brings to light how that was never...