Sometimes life is just hard; hard to breathe, hard to laugh, hard to cry and hard to live. No matter what we go through the ultimate element of our survival is trusting in God....
God said his plans for us aren't to harm us but give us hope and a future. Jer29:11 Invisible baggage that we carry in life can prevent us from going forward and living our life to...
Trusting in God isn't an attribute reserved for Pastors and their wives or Missionaries ... Anyone can truly trust God with every fiber of their being. You just need to know the...
Perfect for your retreat that focuses on prayer and intimacy with God--with touches of humor that keep the atmosphere light and fun. PrayerWalking: Becoming a Person of Prayer,...
This study in II Chronicles is one of renewal, faith, prayer & blessing. You will learn how to stand firm in your faith, to trust God with the details and experience the blessings...
Following God and trusting Him often causes us to leave our comfort zone but when we do we can experience a relationship with God that we never dreamed possible!...
Are there times when you just wish you had more faith? Are there moments in your walk with God that you struggle with trusting Him? This is a life changing lesson on what faith is...
TRUSTING GOD for His purpose is most challenging when days are DARK! Our ability to trust seems to abandon us when occasions for joy mutate into times awash with terror and pain....
As we face the challenges of life, we gain strength through surrendering to God’s perfect love and trusting in His sovereignty. Would you like to experience more peace, contentment...