Donna's personal testimony and signature message. She discusses her experiences with vision loss and how God brought her through a time of darkness and sadness and into a lifetime...
Posted by Donna Lott on 10/29/2015
Many of us don’t like the word “obedience.” We live in age of feel good, self-centered teaching and preaching. The Christian life is the greatest life there is! But...
Posted by Helma Hallmark on 10/29/2015
What if your members could easily attract clients… …and they didn’t have to spend a dime in advertising? …and they didn’t have to attend umpteen networking events? …and...
Posted by Elizabeth Hagen on 10/29/2015
Are your people feeling guilty and overwhelmed? Invite Elizabeth to deliver this dynamic presentation on organizing with confidence! She gives people the tools to reclaim control of...
Posted by Elizabeth Hagen on 10/29/2015
Right now is an exciting time and a time for hope. This is your time to create the life of your dreams! This presentation is ideal for organizations like yours who want their people...
Posted by Elizabeth Hagen on 10/29/2015
A great way to kick start or wrap up your Bible study season is having Linda share three relational-transparency concepts from her study, Loving the ME God Sees, based on the book...
Posted by Linda Goldfarb on 10/29/2015
This 90 minute presentation works in both business and faith-based genre's. Your attendees, both men and women, will walk away inspired to Assess their busy-ness, Be Still, Count...
Posted by Linda Goldfarb on 10/29/2015
This study in II Chronicles is one of renewal, faith, prayer & blessing. You will learn how to stand firm in your faith, to trust God with the details and experience the blessings...
Posted by Robin Giles on 10/29/2015
Through Robin’s powerful testimony women will be encouraged and challenged in their faith to trust God more and live a life in freedom from their painful past. This message is also...
Posted by Robin Giles on 10/29/2015
Gathering PiecesLying PiecesPattern Perspective Rags to Riches Using the analogy of making a quilt - this retreat weekend will encourage and enlighten every attendee. Freedom...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 10/29/2015
Grace vs. Mercy Grace vs. Legalism Abundant Grace Understand grace like never before - a challenging life-changing retreat weekend!...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 10/29/2015
Planting Joy Waiting Joy Harvesting Joy Retreat weekend using the analogy of gardening - This is a POWERFUL JOY-filled retreat - easy for thematic decorations,...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 10/29/2015