This lesson comes from Nehemiah 8:10, "The Joy of the LORD is your strength." But what does that really mean? Does it mean we will have no problems? No! But...
Posted by Cyndi Grace on 09/17/2016
We are women who hunger and thirst and most of the time we are running on empty. In John 4 we meet the Samaritan woman who didn't even know she was thirsty. We...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 09/08/2016
Perspective is everything, in every circumstance. In a culture that rewards coarse humor and sarcasm, encouragement is a gift of light illuminating the world around us. It elevates...
New Year....Fresh Start!It's easy to LIVE with JOY! Learn the 3 steps you can take today to approach life with a positive attitude. Follow God's instruction for a rich...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 09/07/2016
We try over and over to improve a relationship and yet nothing ever changes! Are you ready to try something new? The secret to making peace in relationships is given in the two greatest...
"I'm very sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never going to be successful." The business coach's words were discouraging and disappointing. They say...
Deb Potts is an expert at being mad! Holding grudges is just one way of "getting back" at someone who hurt us. We want to give them what they deserve, that's fair -...
How do we live in the light of Christmas' glory peacefully? How do we reflect Jesus during the season of bustle and busy?We hear the carol playing in the Mall: “Peace on...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 09/05/2016
Has your encounter with God transformed your life?Your ENCOUNTER with God should affect your;...Relationship with Jesus: Has your encounter with the God of the universe truly transformed...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016
- A Genuine Peace; "Experience true joy through life's trials"I. Your Verse: How does your relationship with Jesus affect your life verse (your life story)?II. Your...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016
"He who calls you is faithful. He will surely do it." (I Thes 5:24). This two session conference examines the lives of two men in the Old Testament whom God called...
Posted by Press On Ministries on 08/24/2016
Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." God's Word is a journey of faith! A journey that teaches us to NOT...
Posted by Deborah Ross on 08/24/2016