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Posted by: Press On Ministries on 08/24/2016

Called Out

"He who calls you is faithful.  He will surely do it." (I  Thes 5:24). This two session conference examines the lives of two men  in the Old Testament whom God called out to do great and mighty things in  His name.  David was called out by God to be the king over God's people  Israel.  David's predecessor was chosen by the people, but David was  hand picked by God.  Similarly, Jonah was also called out by God to  proclaim a divine message to the people of Ninevah.  Both men made  serious mistakes along the way, but God, in His sovereignty, worked in  their lives to bring about His purpose and plan for each man and the  people they served.  

This themed topic reminds us that as children of  God, we  have also been called out.  We have been saved to serve.  I  Peter 2:9  reminds us, "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a  holy  nation, a people  for his own possession, that you may proclaim  the  excellencies of him  who called you out of darkness into his  marvelous  light."

Below is a clip from Becky's session on David from "Called Out."

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