Unforgiveness is a poison that holds you back, while forgiveness is the key to unlocking your freedom and revitalizing your life. In "Letting Go of Unforgiveness," Georgina...
In a world that constantly demands more, many women find themselves restless and disconnected, striving to meet expectations while losing touch with their true selves. There is joy...
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 09/25/2024
Step into the life God has envisioned for you—a life filled with hope, passion, and unwavering vision. In this powerful session, I will guide your audience on how to passionately...
Where is your mind taking you? Every journey begins with a single thought, and in "Thoughts on Track: Navigating Life with a God-Centered Mindset,” Georgina guides your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/23/2024
In heaven, we’ll respond to God’s holiness by falling down in worship. But we’re also called to be holy - holy as He is holy - right now in this fallen, sin-soaked...
Posted by Tracy Axcell on 09/23/2024
God has uniquely equipped each of us with individual abilities, energy, time, and resources. But how are you using them? In "Maximizing Your Gifts," Georgina will guide your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/17/2024
Unmasking the Real You: A RED Alert from Perfection to Authenticity Join me for an empowering talk. We’ll explore how societal pressures can push us to wear masks and strive...
Posted by Ginger McGregor on 09/16/2024
In "Breaking Free: The Art of True Surrender," Georgina guides your audience through the life-changing process of releasing the burdens that keep us chained—whether...
Discover the profound gift that money can't buy and the price you can't afford in this powerful message about faith, healing, and redemption. Journey with us as we explore...
No matter how powerful, successful or accomplished we may be, we can all fall victim to doubt, hopelessness, fear, anxiety and even despair. Yet, we can be overcomes, pressing on to...
Posted by Robbie Gring on 09/10/2024
I realize it's a love story and I understand the spiritual application as to how the subtle dangers of “little sins” can undermine a believer’s love...
Posted by Kim Brasher on 09/10/2024
Matthew 18:3 "...and said,“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Life happens, as we grow into...
Posted by Kim Brasher on 09/08/2024