Being Fully Known: Finding Joyful Satisfaction Beyond Doing
In a world that constantly demands more, many women find themselves restless and disconnected, striving to meet expectations while losing touch with their true selves. There is joy and satisfaction to be found beyond all the doing. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith shares how to break free from fear, limiting beliefs, and the relentless pressure to do it all. She offers a path to rest, renewal, and freedom from the relentless drive to always do more. This talk is an invitation to explore the power of Psalm 46:10 to transform our lives through a process of beholding, becoming, and belonging. Using biblical wisdom and behavioral science, she shows how to embrace vulnerability, rediscover your true identity in God, and find deep joy beyond accomplishments and roles. Dr. Saundra invites women to experience lasting fulfillment and emotional rest by living authentically, grounded in who they are rather than what they do.
Key Takeaways
Embrace the fullness of our identity apart from our assumed roles or expected contributions
Overcome the mental barriers that cause us to seek accomplishment over contentment
Experience greater joy in our relationships, career, and creative expression
Reconnect with the courage to live into what God sees in us
Discover where we naturally fit rather than forcing ourselves to fit in