Doubt is the number one enemy that holds most women back from being all God has created them to be. So, overcoming doubt is the key to Christian living. Peggy Ployhar, the CEO of SPED...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 06/26/2017
Every woman has been somewhere. Down some road, some path, that no other has been down in quite the same way as any other woman has been. In this message, Beth taps into those personal...
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying...
(S)he is like a tree planted by streams of waterthat yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.In all that (s)he does, (s)he prospers. - Psalm 1:3Jesus...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 04/29/2017
There is a stark contrast between the fifty or more Old Testament references of a stronghold to the one New Testament reference by the Apostle Paul. The Old Testament stronghold was...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/22/2016
What is your mind fixated on? Is it what is true and good? Or what is fearful and uncertain. If our minds are not fixed on the truth of God’s Word, then when the “suddenlies”...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/18/2016
This retreat - based on Morna's published 10 week Bible study "Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins...Learning the Skill of Tearing down Strongholds" - tackles how to recognize...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 08/16/2016
One of Sherry's most requested topics!Designed to encourage, build up and release women into a deeper relationship with God."Becoming a woman of power does not mean becoming...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/01/2016
John 10:10b tells us that Jesus said: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. What is the full life? Does it have anything to do with our calendars? God’s...
Posted by Carolynn Scully on 04/10/2016
Learning to let go of our past, our pain, and the things that haunt us and hold us back. We must take charge, be strong, and live confident and purposefully! 1. Letting Go - Learn...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 01/27/2016
Do you ever find yourself circling the same mountain over and over? Your mountains will be different from the other. But there are days you find yourself stuck or fixated on the same...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 12/28/2015
Presenting this healing message in colonial dress, DeBee accents the biblical message with her ancestry as a 5th generation grand daughter of Hannah Boone and the niece of Daniel Boone....
Posted by DeBee Trant on 11/02/2015