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Posted by: Beth Kinder on 08/22/2016

The Authentic Stronghold

There is a stark contrast between the fifty or more Old Testament references of a stronghold to the one New Testament reference by the Apostle Paul. The Old Testament stronghold was a literal place of security to keep the enemy out. The New Testament stronghold is a counterfeit securely keeping the enemy locked within our thoughts. Where the Old Testament stronghold was a refuge of provision and healing, an example of God’s plan for us to live free and powerful. The counterfeit is a place of torment. God’s given us a way to take captive every thought that pushes up against the truth of who He is. The Lord wants His people to be equipped to recognize the enemy’s deception that renders them defenseless. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the truth of God’s word you can take back your mind and live free in Christ.

In this talk you will: 

  1. Recognize the counterfeit strongholds of your life. 

  2. Learn to wage war against the enemy through the Word of God.

  3. Be equipped to stay free in the authentic Stronghold of the Lord.

This talk comes from Beth's best selling book Stronghold, The Secrets Beyond the Wall. Take a look into Beth's video here

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