A conference title with the following presentations:When Good Chooses You: * He Redeems You (Woman of with Flow of Blood, and the blood Jesus shed for our forgiving)* He...
Posted by Teresa E. Nelson on 10/15/2022
What if you fix your eyes upon Jesus? Never taking your eyes off Jesus? How will that change your life?Learn how to do life with Jesus and let Him carry your burdens for you....
Posted by Joyce Stone on 08/22/2022
Understanding the unique purpose and power of a woman in modern society is a 21st century challenge of epic proportions. Cultural stereotypes have historically kept millions of women...
Do you need set free to unapologetically be the exact version of yourself that God designed you to be? We will study what really unfolded between Mary, Martha and Jesus and how maybe...
Are you stuck?Are you wandering from one thing to another?Are you wondering what you were put on here on earth for?Welcome to Quit Wandering - 15 Strategies to Find and Fulfill Your...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 06/09/2022
Blueprint: In today’s world people are doing so much, yet what are they getting accomplished? Doesn’t it appear that people’s aim is off and their patience is wearing...
Solving the Puzzle-Find the Missing Pieces is designed as a weekend retreat or conference.Missing Something?Do you ever get the feeling that something isn't quite right -...
Ladies! Come, relax, giggle, and full-on laugh with us as we enjoy an evening of fun together! Experience the stories, skits, inspirational goofiness, and joyful fun of comedian, Karen...
Posted by Karen McCracken on 06/02/2022
Weekend retreat for women who want to SOAR. Refuel, renew, refine, and refocus.Designed to guide you from places of uncertainty, insecurity, and unsteadiness to places of clarity,...
God's Design for Motherhood is something our hearts yearn to discover. Motherhood is one of life’s greatest joys and biggest challenges. It’s our love for our kids...
The power and purpose in generosity is sometimes a mystery, which is why we must open our eyes to God's truths so that we can see with new perspective. In the midst of the roles...
As Christian women, we tend to do more for others while neglecting self-care. After all, it is better to give than to receive, right? Linda explodes a few myths and shares practical...