Unanswered prayer, heartbroken, unsure, learning to trust? You're not alone. Come and meet the women of the Bible, they were just like us. Learn from their lives and walks...
Posted by Susan Peaslee on 10/28/2024
Moses went from running away and asking the Lord to send someone else to a man of faith. His li lesson in faith will teach us how to walk with our Savior....
Posted by Susan Peaslee on 10/28/2024
Memorial stones were a constant visible reminder of God's promises, love, help and miracles. As women of faith what memorial stones are we leaving for those who follow us?...
Posted by Susan Peaslee on 10/28/2024
Are you desiring more from your prayer life? Are you ready to change your world? Learn from the Saints as they brought their honest, heartfelt petitions before God's holy throne....
Posted by Susan Peaslee on 10/28/2024
Job, Mary and Martha all had their world turned upside down by grief and loss. Each approached their God honestly and openly. In return God took them from grief to healing and hope....
In this heartfelt and energizing session, Michelle Bader Ebersole—author, podcaster, and speaker—shares her personal journey of navigating profound grief and hardship after...
How stepping into your calling transforms lives, fulfills your potential, and honors God======In this transformative training, Katherine Norland takes you on a journey to discover...
Discover how love can fuel the life you want to liveLove is patient, love is kind…. You know Paul’s words describing love, but how do you live out love in your life?After...
Posted by Rayna Neises on 10/13/2024
We can be comforted in knowing we are His, yet it can be challenging to understand our purpose in the world where the world is the one that is often pulling us in countless directions....
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 10/13/2024
Description: Strengthen leadership within families and communities, modeled after the Proverbs 31 woman’s role as a provider, nurturer, and servant-leader.Objective: Equip women...
Discover the art of entering into rest! Be rejuvenated by Scriptural truths and learn some easy to implement tips that help renew peace & balance in body, mind, and spirit.Are...
Are you tired of conflicting diet information on the internet? Confused about what you should actually be eating? Listen a nutritionist explain what healthy eating looks like and how...