Fear Paralysis was my existence. I did not want to fear. I tried not to fear. Yet I feared. I knew God said, “Fear Not”. Shame had an open...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 03/25/2020
Have you been praying for God to give you patience? Is there a breakthrough, renew or rescue that you’ve been waiting for, but it hasn’t happened yet? It’s...
Posted by Barb Roose on 01/28/2020
Are you experiencing depression, sadness, or losing hope? If so, don’t let the enemy steal one more day! This life-changing topic will address the sadness, the lies from the...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 01/14/2020
I gently share my story of how I got out of being hopeless, to hopeful. I had to hit rock bottom, which was an attempted suicide. My whole life, I had made a mess of my life. I had...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 08/10/2019
Hope is not a wish. It is a certainty. God has a hope that does not disappoint.We are taught to dream and hope, but not taught how to hope. Seems like an obvious, automatic human behavior,...
Posted by Denise Pass on 08/08/2019
Unforgiveness causes many problems and no one is immune. Taken from her memoir by the same name, Kelly will lead us to forgiveness—and give us the motivation to want to embrace...
During a year of productivity and a thriving women's ministry, Lori found herself in a series of emotional family situations that gradually led her into a pit of depression so...
Posted by Lori Militello on 06/12/2019
Oh my, this is a subject that is huge in our world today. I too deal with depression and have since my childhood. Due to a lot of situations that were out of my control as a child,...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 06/09/2019
I lost my home - my haven, security and center. Marble floors and crown moldings. Gone. And me, left in pieces. I fled to California, depression and cookie dough became my best...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 05/22/2019
The trenches of new parenthood can be rough. Mary Katherine has been there. From the changes in your body to the struggles of postpartum depression, women can often feel lost in their...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
We all have storms at some point in life. How we face and deal with those storms can mean the difference between a life of victory and defeat and can set the stage for God's plan...
Posted by Mary Southerland on 03/01/2019
Researchers found that 1 in 5 people suffer from persistent loneliness. If we have so many ways of connecting in our modern culture why are we still lonely? This weekend...
Posted by Julie Buchtenkirch on 01/15/2019