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Posted by: Denise Pass on 08/08/2019

Hope Reinvented (5 topics)

Hope is not a wish. It is a certainty. God has a hope that does not disappoint.

We are taught to dream and hope, but not taught how to hope. Seems like an obvious, automatic human behavior, but this world’s idea of hope is not to hope at all. We tend to fill our hopes with lesser things that perish; misplaced goals that are anchored in the comfort and happiness of this world.

What if our idea of hope that has been handed down to us is in the wrong place? What if our desire for a perfect, happy life leaves our faith in a vulnerable state in this fallen world?

Sometimes the life WE had planned is interrupted by tragic circumstances that leave us broken and hopeless. This is where hope Reinvented is a healing balm to those afflicted with a seemingly hopeless life. Below are sample titles of sessions in this topic based on my devotional book 31 Days to Hope Reinvented.

#1 - HopeReinvented: Redefining our Hope

We have been handed down a hope in this world that was in the wrong place. Looking back into the foundation of our hope, we discover the cracks in hope's foundation and redefine it to be in Christ alone.

#2 - Hope Reinvented: Facing Disillusionment

Everyone has had their hopes crushed or let down. But God. He is there in the midst, helping us to pick up the pieces and learn to hope again.

#3 - Hope Reinvented: Thriving in the Desert

Walking through a horrific discovery in the life of her family, Denise navigated single motherhood and sought to find hope when life did not seem to have any. This session reveals the secret to hoping when all seems lost.

#4 - Hope Reinvented: Surprised by God’s Sovereignty

Could it be that losing our hope would lead to lasting hope? This session might surprise you. God does truly use all things together for our good and His glory.

#5 - Hope Reinvented: UnexpectedHope and the New Normal

Life will never look the same as it did before, but God can make beauty from ashes. Rise up and hope again - this time equipped with real hope that never disappoints.

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