There is only one way to serve God and that is as a team for best results. Consider the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit all working together in our creation, redemption and...
Millennials are making an exodus from the church, so what is behind their seeming disinterest in God? If we're passionate about understanding the next generation, we have to know...
This keynote presentation resonates deeply with women, focusing on how to build genuine connections by championing, cooperating, and communicating with one another. It also takes...
Boundaries –Are your boundaries loose, letting too much in? Are they rigid, keeping too much out? What are healthy boundaries? Learn how to establish healthy boundaries in your...
This Focus Topic centers on the importance of encouraging one another to stay strong in their faith. We have fun examining the relationship Paul had with Timothy... as a mentor, instructor,...
This presentation has the theme of a spa where women will enjoy little spa features items like lotions, nail polish and such that the event host will acquire. The topics of the day...