I gently share my story of how I got out of being hopeless, to hopeful. I had to hit rock bottom, which was an attempted suicide. My whole life, I had made a mess of my life. I had...
Posted by Christie Musso Bruce on 08/10/2019
Unforgiveness causes many problems and no one is immune. Taken from her memoir by the same name, Kelly will lead us to forgiveness—and give us the motivation to want to embrace...
Energize your congregation, women of faith, and teens to LOVE OUTLOUD! Love compassionately, humbly, graciously, and much more. How different this world could be if all people loved...
Posted by Sheila Luck on 07/16/2019
Awaken your congregation, women of the church, and teens to draw near to God and become the somebody that makes a difference. Help your new believers grow in understanding as to what's...
Posted by Sheila Luck on 07/16/2019
Motivate your audience toward action and financial support. A motivational, yet heartfelt, message designed to move listeners to action both personally to support and promote a culture...
Posted by Sheila Luck on 07/16/2019
Christie embraced what she calls her “sacred responsibility” to the Father in giving HOPE back to others. She invites everyone of all ages and stages of life to learn to...
sn't it wonderful that God has made us all so unique? Through this "Up A Tree?" communication and personality exercise, the audience will learn which "tree...
Posted by Teresa E. Nelson on 03/21/2019
Whether you're looking at a new year, springtime, or any new start in life, Kelly discusses the new beginnings in the Bible, history and, with humor, intertwines life stories...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
HELP! My identity has been stolen! Nobody knows who I am anymore! I have nothing! What can I do? How can I be anything when I have nothing?Have you ever felt this way? Maybe...
God is the Master at taking a shattered life and creating a beautiful masterpiece for all to see. Join Kelly Master on a compelling journey as she shares her personal testimony of...
Posted by Kelly Master on 04/29/2018
Looking through the lens of the life of Job, we examine how Job was able to maintain a right spirit through extreme adversity. Through Job's life the questions of our own relationship...
“Finding joy in the midst of turbulent times is not always easy. When you get disappointing news, how do you turn tragedy to triumph? How do you make the bitter sweet? How do...
Posted by Sandra Jolla on 03/26/2018