Regardless of our age or stage of life, we all have moments when we question who we are and what our purpose is. Gail's "identity crisis" came when she left the...
Posted by Gail Sadler on 07/25/2023
As Daughter's of the King, we are called "Beloved", but at times the distractions of this world can make us question who we are and where are worth lies.Based on the...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 05/25/2023
In this message, based on Proverbs 25:11, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver," Gail reminds us that we have the power of both life and death...
Jesus said, Come and follow Me etc. Ladies, despite the inaccurate interpretation, the Call of God was to males and females. For instance, in John 6: 44, 65, where the...
Ever have the impulse to invest the gospel in younger believers, yet have no idea where to begin? What if you could learn the relational "back pocket basics"...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
The weighty work of making disciples becomes a much more “easy yoke” process once we realize that King Jesus Himself is the...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
What if making disciples was simply a matter of becoming more intentional about the friendships you already have - and turning good conversations into God conversations?=====Even...
In your interaction with fellow believers, how often have you asked yourself, is this what Christ-centeredness looks like? Why are so many of the faithful so miserable and unproductive?...
Posted by Gloria Crawford Henderson on 11/13/2022
Most of us have an instinctive understanding of what gratitude is, but it can be surprisingly difficult to define. The many life-altering manifestations of gratitude can profoundly...
God miraculously provided two homes for Keli, 12 years apart. Both came through Facebook. Fully furnished. During times when finding a home—on paper—was nearly impossible.But...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 10/21/2022
Book Peggy Ployhar to speak and/or perform at your next women's event/retreat. Watch this video to see moreCheck out her about pageBioMeet Peggy Ployhar, a remarkable...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 10/20/2022
“Let them praise His name with dancing; Let them sing praises to Him with timbrel and lyre.”Psalm 149:3Are you interested in offering a unique session to your event? How...