Tired at the end of the day? Having leftover thoughts and worries in the evening which block you from being fully present with your dear ones or connecting deeply with God in prayer?...
Posted by Ioana Popa on 11/22/2024
Goodbye Guilt. Hello Grace: Overcome guilt, shame, and self-blame through the gift of God's grace.Are you a mother who is struggling with guilt, shame, or self blame because of...
Are you ready to take God's Word from the pages of the Bible into the real world, where broken, hurting people need the hope of Jesus? In "Just Do It," Georgina will...
God created each of us with a unique identity that Satan knows long before we do. He declares war on us. Fear and lies are his favorite tactics. Come discover who you are in Christ...
Posted by Sheila Qualls on 11/13/2024
We all deal with circumstances that can hijack our lives. Your circumstances affect the way you see yourself and the way you relate to others. But they don’t define you. Recognize...
Posted by Sheila Qualls on 11/13/2024
A weary woman’s life-line! Discover how the gridlock of the daily grind—whether steps from your bed or miles in traffic—can become your own Sacred COMMUTE journey...
Many of us have an inner critic who feeds our self-doubt and robs us of opportunities. Come learn how to transform your inner critic into a trusted ally. The inner critic...
Posted by Susan Howell on 11/09/2024
Would you like to minister to others through writing? Come learn the basics for getting started and leave with a plan for beginning your life as a writer. In this topic you will: learn...
Avoiding the crowd, she takes her water jug and heads to the well knowing no one will be there. Surprise! She bumps into a man who is seemingly hot, tired...
Posted by Gwendolyn Craddock on 11/09/2024
Up close and involved in our daily lives, God uses the most ordinary things to connect our hearts to His. A creaking gate, a fallen leaf, a broken tree limb become gifts...
Posted by Gwendolyn Craddock on 11/09/2024
Don’t let your God-given potential sleepwalk through Mr. Sandman’s wasteland. Discover how to defy morning dread, harness renewed hope, and ignite a calling that awakens...
This topic covers many ways to overcome loneliness and allow yourself to connect with the world. ...
Posted by Janice Rose on 11/06/2024