This session addresses all forms of fear (panic attacks, phobias, etc.) and helps you understand the Physiological implications of fear and how that plays on our behavior in a fearful...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 10/29/2015
Why is it that the greatest commandment of all has been misunderstood throughout the last 2000 years? Why do we continue to struggle with this concept of the golden rule? When...
How does your God-given personality impact your life and relationships? Each person is gifted with unique traits that drive us and effect our communication with others. Learn to understand...
Posted by Jill Swanson on 10/29/2015
Moms-The Architects of the Next Generation and Become the Mom You Always Hoped You'd Be are two of Rhonda's popular messages for MOPs events, Home School Conventions, and MOM events....
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 10/29/2015
Do you ever find yourself thinking ‘There has to be more to life than this!’ Life can be full of surprises, some good and some not so good. In the in-between places of...
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 10/29/2015
Have you heard the old saying, "The sky is the limit"? Well not for God! Pull out all the "stops" as, together, we consider the character and power of God described...
Posted by Rene Reilly on 10/29/2015
Domestic Violence Awareness is an overview of domestic violence, its history, how to recognize it and better understand why victims are so trapped....
Posted by Mina Raulston on 10/29/2015
"I AM Says, ""You Are..."" - Who are you? What defines you? Can a cross look ruin your day? Does a hurtful word send you into a tail spin? Do you try to fix...
How easy it is for us to fall into the pit of offense! There is a way to climb out and stay out of the pit of offense!Through this teaching, Sherry will provide your group with an...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015
Jessie has developed this message to help teen girls understand the importance of being a young lady. Lady-like may be an old fashion term, but Jessie will give it relevance for girls...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 10/29/2015
Can you conceive of anything that demonstrates the gospel more beautifully than the godly behavior of those who receive it? Feminine Delight looks at Biblical Womanhood, which is true...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 10/29/2015
Inspiring women to live a life of grace received from The Father and poured out into others lives. My desire is that through this talk women will understand more fully the precious...
Posted by Carolynn Scully on 10/29/2015