The No Regrets Marriage Conference is a popular one evening event where Rhonda and her Pastor/husband Steve Stoppe spend the evening with audiences sharing secrets to build a NO REGRETS...
Rhonda is a Pastors Wife... She gets it! No one else knows the unique ministry to the minister expect those who are married to pastors. Rhonda is a favorite speaker for pastors wives...
Finding Strength in Joy- From Rhonda's own experience she has had to learn to fight for joy when life didn't turn out the way she expected. Learning to thank God for her...
Women Who Rock Their World - What woman doesn't want to make an impact on those around her? Rhonda's passionate messages resonates and inspires single women, wives,...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017
The Woman at The Well. Life is not a Photo, but a video - it is your life journey. It is the whole story. How did the meeting with Jesus change the woman at the well...
Posted by Kimberly Hooper on 04/27/2017
A partnership is an agreement between two or more people.There are times when the partiesinvolved do not have equal power,but the contract is still binding. All contracts are conditional....
Posted by Joyce Rayner on 04/26/2017
Are you ready to discover the deeper significance behind the gifts brought to Jesus by the magi? Join us for an enlightening session with Joanna, where we’ll explore the beloved...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 04/26/2017
Are you feeling thirsty or in need of refreshment? Join us for a transformative session with Joanna as she invites you to step into the River of Living Waters.Drawing from Scripture,...
Are you feeling weighed down by shame, defeat, or disgust? It’s time to RISE! Join us for an empowering session with Joanna as she shares the transformative message of living...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 04/25/2017
What makes epic stories epic? Why does there seem to be such a longing for epic heroes these days, from our movies to our daily news? What is the lure of story, and why do we all want...
Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Church: "Called by Name: A Look at the Value of Life"Are you seeking a message that brings comfort and clarity to the value of life? Join us...
Can toddlers serve God? How about teenagers? Why would we make the effort, given that just getting them to church is like training for Ironman? Serving with our children, at any age,...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 04/25/2017