Are your people feeling guilty and overwhelmed? Invite Elizabeth to deliver this dynamic presentation on organizing with confidence! She gives people the tools to reclaim control of...
Right now is an exciting time and a time for hope. This is your time to create the life of your dreams! This presentation is ideal for organizations like yours who want their people...
This 90 minute presentation works in both business and faith-based genre's. Your attendees, both men and women, will walk away inspired to Assess their busy-ness, Be Still, Count...
Many women struggle with "appropriate" grieving when losing a child through miscarriage, stillbirth...or even abortion. Society leaves us questioning our emotions, and can have us...
God’s grace is more than a blanket that covers sin. Grace is the empowerment to carry out what God has called and purposed us to do. Grace to Excel provides the steps necessary...
TRUSTING GOD for His purpose is most challenging when days are DARK! Our ability to trust seems to abandon us when occasions for joy mutate into times awash with terror and pain....
As you look in the mirror, do you ever question: Who am I really? Every new growth passage will bring changes and challenges. Our perspective of God reveals a lot about our identity...
A full intensive life plan for optimal wellbeing and balance that can be a 3 day personal one to one coaching experience or weekend small group coaching retreat. Topics covered include:...