It’s hard to relate to Someone that we cannot see, hear, or touch. But if we look at the different aspects of what makes good human relationships and apply them to our relationship...
Posted by Rose Noland on 09/09/2019
These highly interactive seminars/workshops provide women with biblical principles needed to use their emotions to benefit themselves and glorify God. Women will learn:The correct...
This study examines 5 exciting characteristic traits of "God's G.I.R.L.S." Women will be amazed as we discover together the joys of what it means to truly belong to...
Posted by Donna Lott on 08/18/2019
Whether you are rich or poor, and busy or bored, learn how to tap into God's presence for happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and success. --Life is always throwing challenges...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 08/13/2019
Sometimes , " Where words fail, music speaks." ~Hans Christian AndersenOne of the unique things about Trish's ministry is that not only does Trish speak about how God...
Posted by Trish Torline on 08/09/2019
Hope is not a wish. It is a certainty. God has a hope that does not disappoint.We are taught to dream and hope, but not taught how to hope. Seems like an obvious, automatic human behavior,...
Posted by Denise Pass on 08/08/2019
The Battle of the MindLife is a battle. And most of it takes place in our mind. Part of a three-part series, this talk focuses on how to face these battles biblically. Understanding...
These are exciting times as faith communities are going a step beyond just welcoming and including people of all abilities. The world’s largest unreached group of people —...
Posted by Lisa Jamieson on 08/03/2019
Even a baby has power, but God created you to be eternally powerful for His glory. Discover how to think about your options, and how they'll affect your eternity, as you journey...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 08/02/2019
Christian women may feel like they're swimming upstream in a downstream world. Standing for Jesus can be challenging in today's culture, and it can be easy to lose our...
Posted by Robin R King on 07/29/2019
We know that God loves us, but we still feel unloved. How can that be? We hear that God loves us, yet our lives do not change, our wounds do not heal, and we continue to feel...
We all have pain in our lives. We can settle for merely surviving the pain, or we can let God redeem it so that every drop of our pain enriches us. In this presentation, women...