Our brains are wired for story and each of us has a story to tell. You may think, "I can't write or speak.""There are so many others who've endured...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/04/2023
Danna Demetre is an author, speaker, and veteran health coach whose experience, transparent personal stories, and grounded biblical teaching help women transform their lives and live...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 05/07/2023
Lasting joy is more than a one-time decision. We can be filled with joy overflowing but choosing joy won't get us there. Joy is not a choice, rather it's a result of our...
Posted by Janine Lansing on 05/07/2023
Everywhere we go, we are encouraged to "Choose Joy". But "choosing joy" rarely lasts. This is because joy is not a choice, it's a result of our choices....
Posted by Janine Lansing on 04/15/2023
When bad things happen, is your faith wobbly? How can you stand strong in your faith even through difficult times? There is a way, and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego found it - even...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 03/15/2023
A three-session retreat or conference topic exploring the power of hope. Anchor passage is 1 Peter1:3-9Session 1: A Living HopeSession 2: Trials are Our TeachersSession 3: The Dance...
Thanksgiving 2021—CANCELLED!Family time was a priority. So, when Keli cancelled festivities for the holiday, everyone knew there was cause for concern. Excitement was in the...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 10/25/2022
Choose wisely. It’s a common phrase. One Keli has heard her entire life. But it wasn’t until she lay in the ICU, unable to move—or breathe on her own—that she...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 10/21/2022
God miraculously provided two homes for Keli, 12 years apart. Both came through Facebook. Fully furnished. During times when finding a home—on paper—was nearly impossible.But...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 10/21/2022
In the middle of a trial, we may find it difficult to praise God. And, in our triumph, we may forget to praise God. But Scripture tells us we are to praise God at ALL times. In...
Posted by Robin R King on 09/29/2022
Women Who Rock Their World - Becoming More Influential Than You Ever Dreamed Possible - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought...
What does God want us to do with our suffering? Is it something we just have to get through or is it more than that? What if we looked as suffering as a gift--something God has entrusted...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 01/26/2022