Lasting joy is more than a one-time decision. We can be filled with joy overflowing but choosing joy won't get us there.
Joy is not a choice, rather it's a result of our choices. Choosing Jesus, choosing to linger with Him, choosing to persevere and to trust Him are all choices (plus many more) that when made result in a joy-filled soul.
Join us for this retreat as we cover several choices and practical action steps you can do today that will cause joy to overflow.
Main Scriptures Taught Over 3-5 Sessions: John 15, Psalm 16, James 1, Matthew 6, Isaiah 43, 2 Corinthians 10, 1 Corinthians 1, Psalm 23, Psalm 7
Group discussion questions and personal journaling prompts included.
Retreat based on The Joy Filled Soul Book.
Janine Lansing - Speaker, Author, Spiritual Fruit Cultivator