What does it mean to be hospitable? Does it look like the cover of a magazine, or does it look like something far better? Jill delivers (up to) seven practical ways we can understand...
Life is hard but God is good. If we can take inventory of our lives and see it as all good – that’s true gratitude. Learn how to give thanks in the good and the not-so-good along...
The Christmas season does not have to be overwhelming. In this seasonal variation of “Slaughtering the Sacred Cow of Busyness,” Kathy will show you how to hang on to the important...
The Celebrations and Traditions You've Always Wished For ~ It's Never to Late to Start! Kathy loves to inspire women to develop new traditions and special celebrations. She...
What Christmas really means when you keep “Christ” in the celebration. Judy's insights are spiritually uplifting and will definitely put you in the holiday spirit....
If it is called the happiest time of the year, then why are so many people grumpy and not smiling? We have allowed the world to steal our "joy" of the season. It took a serious...
Are your “holidays” frenzied or focused? Using Mary and Martha as models, we will learn effective strategies to sit at the Master’s feet and still accomplish all that needs...
"We all love the holidays. But, let's face it, holiday seasons bring a myriad of expectations. Using popular Christmas carols, (no, she doesn't sing!) Donna identifies...