How often do we take the time to reflect on the blessings of God and how often do we take time to be a blessing to someone else? Reflecting on God's Blessings.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sheila...
Posted by Sheila Edens-Brown on 10/18/2018
Depending on the audience, this topic encourages women of all ages and marital statuses to look to the Lord for answers and encouragement in their present lives. For young never-marrieds,...
Reciprocity in friendship is the glue that makes each gal feel valued and safe instead of vulnerable and used. During this session, you'll discover how to move from mediocre relationships...
LaNette brings amazing inspiration and wisdom within the anchor of hope in the area of grief and loss. She helps to encourage stability to an unstable foundation within the trenches...
Posted by LaNette Shipley Speaker/Vocalist on 07/13/2017
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying...
There are times we shrink back out of fear and find it hard to trust God with our next step and our what-if’s. You desire to trust but there are people, things, and plain-old-life...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 04/24/2017
If you are looking for an event that will touch the lives of women in your church and community, then look no further. “Live Laugh Love” is the event you’ve been...
Posted by Trish Torline on 09/08/2016
How do we live a life of faith when fear has such a powerful grip on us? Why would God desire to use such an unqualified person? Throughout scripture God has called the fearful, and...
After being told I would not be able to have more children my heart mourned. I should have been able to decide if I was done or not done but that was not the case. God...
Posted by Kim Chaffin on 04/15/2016
Is your life out of balance? Do you resolve every January to get it together but by June feel more stressed-out than ever? Go from stressed to blessed by learning how to balance your...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 01/05/2016
When you have problems with your memory and people tell you oh, that comes with age, don't listen to them. Listen to what the bible has to say about that. The bible says,"The memory...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
Be empowered and blessed by the Word of God. Learn how God will set you free when you rely on Him as your source of strength....
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015