Ginny shares how to win your family and friends to Christ, and how God answered her prayers for her family far exceeding her wildest dreams. Our family is our first mission field and...
Posted by Ginny Dent Brant on 08/18/2023
Jesus calls us to be the salt and light of the world. He has given us His Spirit who empowers us to fulfill our calling. As disciples of Jesus, we are all influencers, regardless of...
Posted by Mabel Ninan on 08/17/2023
How does the assurance of heaven impact our lives on earth? How can a heaven-minded attitude keep us from sinking into complacency? Why should eternity be on our minds? By adopting...
Posted by Mabel Ninan on 08/17/2023
God created our bodies with an innate ability to heal and regenerate. Ginny connects the dots between nutrition, the Bible, and medical research to reveal four keys to health and wellness...
Using Psalm 27:1, "The Light in Darkness: Find Light and Hope in Christ" encapsulates the passage from sin to life in God, converting darkness into light with faith and love.Using...
Posted by Laurie Nitschke on 08/17/2023
Drawing inspiration from Song of Songs, 'God's Love Story: Has a Chapter Written for You' delves into the timeless wisdom of finding purpose and love within life's...
Posted by Laurie Nitschke on 08/17/2023
Drawing on 1 Peter 2:9, we recognize our divine calling as God's chosen people, moving from darkness into His wonderful light, embodying a profound transformation and path towards...
Comparing and conforming to our filtered culture leaves us disillusioned & discouraged. This message is for those of us who wake up realizing we’re on an unintentional path,...
Not merely surviving widowhood but actually thriving (eventually). Remember to breathe, and then begin to put one foot in front of the other. Seek God, read life-giving books, write...
Posted by Ferree Hardy on 08/17/2023
The most important choice we can ever make in life is to place our faith in Jesus Christ. But the most important choice we make every day is whether or not to read His Word, the Bible.Intimate...
Posted by Ferree Hardy on 08/17/2023
Why Fitting in is NOT the Goal and Will Never Be EnoughThe goal is finding where you fit and getting fit for your purpose. Conformity to diet culture and unhealthy, filtered images...
Posted by Lisa Jones on 08/17/2023
What do YOU say when you talk to yourself? Do you ever think things like, “what’s wrong with me?,” “why can’t I have more success on this...
Posted by Lisa Jones on 08/17/2023