What do YOU say when you talk to yourself? Do you ever think things like, “what’s wrong with me?,” “why can’t I have more success on this health journey?,” “no matter what I do, it’s just not good enough,” or “if I could just find the exact right program or diet I think I would succeed and be healthier.” Do you mutter to yourself labels like “I am not good enough,” “I am too much,” “I am a failure,” “I am an idiot,” “I am fat,” or “I am ridiculous, disgusting, stupid, lazy, etc.”?
We all have mind messaging we’ve picked up along the way in this journey of life. Like a vehicle in need of an alignment, that messaging can run us right off the road we were designed for. Do you have a strength and RESISTance training program in place to keep you in alignment on your purposeful journey? As we consider our holistic health, I want us to be strong mentally, spriitually, physcially, and emotionally. This is going to take some intention. Join me in this encouraging and life giving webinar to discover how to engage in the right type of strength and RESISTance training with the: