Why do you have certain character qualities? Do you have thoughts like, "If only I was taller. If my feet weren't so huge. I wish I was like my sibling. Why did God make it...
Posted by Carla McDougal on 11/17/2015
Miracles aren't about the outcome - they are about the getting through, what we find in the sacred rubble while walking through broken places. Discover what can be found...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 11/16/2015
Feel confident in your look and how wonderfully you were made. Discover your color code, body shape, and learn how to choose the most flattering clothes for you specific features,...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 11/16/2015
During this session, with Civilla Morgan, you will discover how to experience joy and relevance even when God has said no. Be encouraged and find hope in a fresh perspective for your...
This message is for every woman who finds herself tired, frustrated or even discontent with her life. And who doesn’t at one time or another? Whether dealing with a crisis or...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 11/02/2015
God doesn’t merely give us enough grace. He lavishes it on us with abundance! God gives us more grace than we need to not only survive life’s difficulties, but to thrive...
Posted by Kathy Howard on 11/02/2015
Dorothy was whisked away by a tornado, landed somewhere over the rainbow in a Technicolor world. We are not in Kansas anymore. This beloved, incomparable classic based on L. Frank...
Posted by DeBee Trant on 11/02/2015
Looking for a fresh, fun, and inspiring retreat theme? Walking on High Heels is your answer! Balancing life is a challenge. With all our daily responsibilities how do we learn to live...
This weekend is based on Romans 15:13 and will allow the participant to see that through Christ we have enough hope for our past, present and future. One session deals with our pasts...
Posted by Kim Wright on 10/29/2015
"It is an amazing thing to see as God turns on the 'lights of revelation' as we study the Word of God together. Using my workbook, How I Overcame Depression and You Can,...
Posted by Forshia Ross on 10/29/2015
"In Forshia’s search for God’s abundant life, she discovered that it’s all a ‘matter of the heart.’ When the heart is right, the rest falls into place.Drawing forth from...
Posted by Forshia Ross on 10/29/2015
Do you ever question your place in this world? Have you struggled to measure up to your own expectations and those of loved ones? Do your emotions ever threaten to overwhelm you? You...
Posted by Forshia Ross on 10/29/2015