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Posted by: Forshia Ross on 10/29/2015

Overcoming Depression Workshop

"It is an amazing thing to see as God turns on the 'lights of revelation' as we study the Word of God together. Using my workbook, How I Overcame Depression and You Can, Too! and the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance that comes with the workbook, we will discover God's desire to see us whole and healthy.Whether your prison of emotional pain is due to circumstances beyond your control or whether you have made unwise choices, Jesus' desire is that you be free of depression...F-R-E-E! I say it again...F-R-E-E! God wants you to be whole. He wants you to be healed so that you can realize your purpose and make a difference in this life. Your responses will affect your children for generations to come. That's how powerful your life can be. God has a life worth living in store for you.The principles taught in this workshop can be applied to any area of personal struggle. Forshia shares personal points of testimony as she takes you through her workbook."

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