How can you be good at mommy and marriage? Rhonda Stoppe answers this question in a way that will encourage, inspire and help you be the mom and wife you always hoped you would be. You...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 03/31/2016
"Anyone can build a life with NO REGRETS. No matter what regretful choices you might have made, God is ready to use YOU in history for this time!" ~Rhonda StoppeBeginning...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 03/31/2016
We struggle through so much guilt in this world, and even though we ask for forgiveness, it's hard to let it go and move on. The world and even Christians will tell us to 'forgive...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 02/25/2016
Stephanie Olson is available for your women's event! Bringing humor, fun, and life changing messages, Stephanie will add what you need for your women's conference. Whether...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 02/01/2016
Perfect for a retreat, Christian program or keynote on emotional healing. When we shed the shame, through Christ, we can burst out of our shame-based cocoon and be like the beautiful...
Posted by Sheila Luck on 01/31/2016
A fairytale beginning to romance can still leave you wondering, “Where’s the happily-ever-after?” down the road. Marriage isn’t easy; it takes work and good...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 01/11/2016
As Christian women, we tend to do more for others while neglecting self-care.After all, it is better to give than to receive, right? Linda explodes a few myths and shares practical...
Do you ever feel like you’ve been in the same spiritual place far too long? Are you living a life that eternally impacts those around you? Do you have a deep desire for your life...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 01/07/2016
Sharon's personal testamony of how the broken pieces of your life can become a masterpiece when you give them to God. This powerful presentation, filled with colorful illustrations...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 01/05/2016
Relationships can sometimes take unexpected turns, and many Christian women are reluctant to share these challenges with others, fearing they may be stripped of their robe of righteousness....
The conversations Jesus had with and about women during his ministry provide a window directly into God’s heart. As the face of the Father, Jesus showed us that God loves, understands,...
Posted by Lynn Bell Pechuekonis on 12/29/2015