Deep roots take time and intentionality to develop, but then serve us well through the storms of life. In this session, Jodi shares the three biggest growth inhibitors along with her...
Today is the day to pray!With this topic, we delve into an inspirational, biblical message that holds the key to becoming a woman who prays with faith and sees results! This profound...
Posted by Audrey Marie Hessler on 06/03/2024
Too many people struggle with mental barriers and limiting beliefs that hold them back from reaching their full potential. "Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs: Overcoming Mental...
It's so easy to let God's love be up for debate with how life is going. We let circumstances decide us instead of being decided by Jesus. Being rooted deeply in Christ's...
Have you every noticed how easily people become offended. So many topics are considered taboo in public. As christians we have the opportunity to choose to be unoffendable. We can...
Do you ever find yourself riddled with hurt – in your everyday life? From those you work with, those in your family or sadly within the church walls. We attend service faithfully,...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
Stop the self-sabotage, learn your true identity in Christ and step into your divine destiny using these three proven strategies to break free from self-doubt and cultivate...
Are you ready for war? Ephesians 6 gives us an outline of our God-given armor. But, do you know how to use it and where it came from? What are the biblical roots of our armor? What...
Posted by Stephanie Pavlantos on 03/28/2024
Rooted and Radiant was written for any woman who wants to live her life grounded in Jesus Christ. In this Bible study, we learn the book of Colossians verse by verse as we seek...
Posted by Janice Samuel-Powell on 03/27/2024
A great talk for grownups and teens alike, "We Go Together" focuses on building quality friendships while rooting ourselves first in the never-ending love of our best friend,...
Posted by Taylor Arthur on 02/06/2024
Session One: Intimacy with God, Scripture Focus: Psalm 27:4 The starting point of embracing intimacy with God is understanding the significance of Jesus'...