In this series, Beth approaches the seemingly elusive gift from the Holy Spirit - Joy. Each session is unique and brings out something different in us for each one. Each session can...
Posted by Beth Owens on 01/25/2017
Whether you’re already working on a book or just getting started, there is power in the written word to transform lives. It's time to share your voice!Create: Create a book...
Posted by Lisa Hooks on 01/17/2017
Deb Potts is an expert at being mad! Holding grudges is just one way of "getting back" at someone who hurt us. We want to give them what they deserve, that's fair -...
If you have a pulse, chances are you've blown it in life a time or two. And if you're like us, you've had some opportunities to live up to a name by which you'd rather not be...
Posted by Press On Ministries on 08/24/2016
Trade your anxiety, disappointments, and offensiveness for contentment, peace and agape love as Deborah leads you through this program, concluding with a demonstration not soon to...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 02/29/2016
In these sessions, Beth shares her personal testimony of how God changed and rearranged her life. In dramatic fashion she tells us and shows us how through Him she triumphed over broken...
Posted by Beth Owens on 11/13/2015
If the Shoe Fits: In this endearing message Beth uses a visual demonstration with the different types of shoes women wear and how they relate to our walk with Christ. This endearing...
Posted by Beth Owens on 11/02/2015
The existence of God as a real being; that he is the creator of all reality should have a noticeable impact in our lives. Others should see evidence of our belief and trust in a real...
Posted by Mary Jo Sharp on 10/29/2015
Can you conceive of anything that demonstrates the gospel more beautifully than the godly behavior of those who receive it? Feminine Delight looks at Biblical Womanhood, which is true...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 10/29/2015
Every woman wants to feel like the most beautiful woman in the room, adored and loved. The prince chose Cinderella out of all the women at the ball and made her his bride, just as...
Posted by Beth Jones on 10/29/2015
Who of us hasn’t been plagued by the past and anxious about the future? In this thought-stirring presentation, Esther uses five unforgettable words to unleash fear and insecurities...
Posted by Esther Hughes on 10/28/2015