In 1956, five American missionaries were speared by an uncontacted group of Waorani (Aucas) warriors deep in the Ecuadorian jungle. The news of the death of the men quickly became...
Posted by Karen Duffy on 01/16/2020
Karen's Testimony of becoming a Missionary in her mid-40s.God wants to fulfill the dreams of His children no matter their age, seeming lack of qualifications, or their circumstances!...
Posted by Karen Duffy on 01/15/2020
Using the beloved Christmas song, Joy to the World, Lori creatively and beautifully shares the true meaning and joy of our Blessed Savior's birth. Women will be uplifted...
Based on the book, Shame Off You, Denise takes us on an adventure of biblical proportions to get rid of shame for good.#1- Shame Off You: Unveiling Shame’s Presence ~ A Culture...
Posted by Denise Pass on 08/08/2019
Walking with God Today. Expect an Adventure with God. Sound like wild and crazy fun with unimaginable blessings until we realize the journey is often paved with trials and challenges....
Becoming a published author is within your reach with these tips on author success! Statistics show that over six million Americans have written a manuscript for publication with the...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
What does it mean to trust God? What would your life look like if you were walking by faith and trusting God with your whole heart? Adventures in Trust addresses every decision you...
Posted by Mary Southerland on 03/01/2019
A different look at the book of Esther. In this session Yvonne takes us back in time to the 5th century in the Persian capital of Susa for an in depth and often funny look at...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
With storytelling style, Tina follows the arc of an epic adventure to describe how we can embrace our divine purpose and overcome barriers to living with victory. Available for online...
Candy and son Jake Gibbs tackle the tricky relationship between mothers & sons. How do moms come along side their husbands in raise boys to be mighty men of God and the leaders?...
Posted by Candy Gibbs on 05/03/2018
What's in your Christmas Cup? Mary and Joseph found prickly people and prickly situations in their Cup at the first Christmas. But with God's help, they managed to experience...
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying...