It is hard to believe God can take our biggest blunders and make miracles. Whether it is yourself or someone else, sometimes we doubt what He can do. One of Dawn's most passionate...
Posted by Dawn Spicer on 02/26/2024
Raising a child is like training a horse, a creature ruled by appetites and resistant to submission. Parents will laugh, engage, and may buck off familiar but crippling ideas as they...
Posted by Stephanie Smith on 02/13/2024
I was diagnosed at age thirty-eight with a rare stage three breast cancer that had a survival rate of three years, but after fighting for my life for 5 intensive years I now live joyfully...
"To respond to all that God is and does with all that I am and do."In my Wonders of Worship Workshop training, worship teams will benefit from my 40-plus years of worship...
Posted by Kelly Thoreson on 11/03/2023
Peppi’s hilarious, 100% clean, multi-media comedy, followed by her brief Christmas message, isn't just a show. It's an experience! The Rejected Gift is Peppi's...
PEPPI’S hilarious comedy show brings great fun to women across the nation. And no worries for you, the booker; she’s pastor AND Mama approved! Whether one session...
What is your real-life story? If you created a timeline of your life, you'd probably include significant dates like graduations, weddings, births, etc. But what would your...
Do you feel like flat salt? Does life seem dark instead of light? Fasten your seat belt! You're going to walk away from this sesssion with fresh motivation and lots of great ideas...
Posted by Cynthia Davis on 09/01/2023
"Is it okay to be successful in business?" Women have been wondering this for years. Based on Angie's book, The Purple Life: A Christian Women's Guidebook...
Posted by Angie Nuttle on 08/21/2023
Ginny shares how to win your family and friends to Christ, and how God answered her prayers for her family far exceeding her wildest dreams. Our family is our first mission field and...
Posted by Ginny Dent Brant on 08/18/2023
Ginny and her dad achieved worldly success but were blind to God’s perspective. Follow their father-daughter story as God takes them from their days at The White House to world...
Does your day-to-day life resemble a hamster on a wheel going round and round with no clear direction? In this chaotic world, women are busy and pulled in so many directions! Our lives...
Posted by Robin R King on 08/06/2023