Imagine if there was an event where you could bring your non believing girlfriends to hear and respond to the gospel. That's what this event will be. Rhonda Stoppe is passionate...
The Woman at The Well. Life is not a Photo, but a video - it is your life journey. It is the whole story. How did the meeting with Jesus change the woman at the well...
If you and your ladies have been afraid of sharing your faith, take heart. This session brings encouragement for modern day evangelism that draws people through the aroma of Christ...
Godly Confidence; "Understanding your identity and inheritance you have in Jesus Christ."I. Our inheritance from God; What is it? I will explain through scripture what our inheritance...
"From a small village on the Yukon River in Alaska to the national stage, hear stories and songs about how recording artist, Adele Morgan, found the true meaning to her Life's Song."This...
Has your encounter with God transformed your life?Your ENCOUNTER with God should affect your;...Relationship with Jesus: Has your encounter with the God of the universe truly transformed...
- A Genuine Peace; "Experience true joy through life's trials"I. Your Verse: How does your relationship with Jesus affect your life verse (your life story)?II. Your...
Do you struggle with sharing your faith story? Are you prepared with an answer for the hope that you have when others ask? That is a scary thought for most of us, but God calls us...