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Posted by: Lynne Leite - CurlyGirl4God on 10/29/2015

Sowing Seeds of Faith With Our Stories

Do you struggle with sharing your faith story? Are you prepared with an answer for the hope that you have when others ask? That is a scary thought for most of us, but God calls us to do just that. He has given us many stories of His goodness and He wants us to use them to sow seeds of faith in others. Come and hear the importance of our stories in God's bigger story and leave encouraged to share your own!

This luncheon talk looks at the importance of story in our lives and that God uniquely wired us, as human beings, to respond to stories. It encourages the women of your church to consider how they can use their own stories for God's glory. This talk would be ideal as a keynote  or part of a workshop program to help the women of your church develop their testimonies. It is approximately 40 minutes long. 

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