Using principles of minimalism, Jarm helps maturing women to let go of the past and move forward for the glory of God in three areas: spiritual, physical and emotional. Her goal is...
Posted by Jarm Del Boccio on 08/17/2023
God created our bodies with an innate ability to heal and regenerate. Ginny connects the dots between nutrition, the Bible, and medical research to reveal four keys to health and wellness...
Drawing on 1 Peter 2:9, we recognize our divine calling as God's chosen people, moving from darkness into His wonderful light, embodying a profound transformation and path towards...
The most important choice we can ever make in life is to place our faith in Jesus Christ. But the most important choice we make every day is whether or not to read His Word, the Bible.Intimate...
Posted by Ferree Hardy on 08/17/2023
God's love for broken women shines through all of Scripture in an amazing way! This is a whirlwind tour of widows throughout Scripture. From the formation of Israel to the formation...
Posted by Ferree Hardy on 08/17/2023
Uncover the legacy women can leave for the next generation through their skills, talents, and godly characteristics. Delve into the stories of both the good and bad women from the...
Have you ever looked around and thought the world was crazy? Or you were crazy? Are you searching for sanity? During this session, Evelyn Leite, a sexual abuse survivor, who was raised...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 08/11/2023
Life doesn't have to be perfect, but you can transform your life find perfect joy in faith. In this talk, you will:Jump into the journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation...
You are not alone in the battle! Every modern-day saint, plus every single Bible hero, from Noah to Jesus, needs faith to walk out God’s call on our lives. Join us to explore...
Having friends is a key ingredient in this whole life recipe. But let's talk about those game-changer friendships – they're like a bonus level of awesome. We're diving...
Like riding a bike, you’re never perfectly balanced, but in God’s beautiful plan, you can be balanced enough to enjoy the ride of your life. Discover how to exchange chaos...
Do you feel stressed or blessed? Gain insight to manage stress through trusting God and His grace in the details of life. Learn four dynamic biblical principles for stress management.Remember...
Posted by Nancy Kay Grace on 08/10/2023