Assurance on the Path of Life-Altering Events Divorce, loss of career, spousal affair, children leaving home – these are life-altering events that leave us standing...
Posted by Kay Julien on 05/13/2019
Becoming the Queen Who Rules in Harmony. As women, we often find ourselves in leadership roles whether we bear the title of “Leader” or not. We execute decisions,...
Posted by Kay Julien on 04/16/2019
How can we focus on God in the midst of a busy, and at times chaotic, lifestyle? That's where "breath prayer" comes in!Prayer is as easy as taking a breath! It's...
This talk uses Psalm 78:2-8 and Titus 2:3-5 to emphasize the important work we have to do to hand down our faith through the example we set day to day as well as through our relationships...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
This talk investigates the many Biblical ways we can, through friendships, positively influence others for their spiritual growth and our own. It is designed to get women...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
Explore the different choices and outcomes experienced by an everyday mom compared to a priest. Discover how to make the hard choices to reap the rewards of godly parenting. ======In...
Have you always wanted to start a blog? Are you already a blogger, but the only clicks on your writing are your Aunt Edna and her two co workers?MK shares the inside secrets of growing...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
MK is famous on the internet for writing about her "feral children". The term was met with mixed reviews, and while tongue in cheek, was intended to be a loving moniker. But...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
Mary Katherine was in second grade when the sexual abuse began. For the next eight years, she kept a dark secret that threatened to eat her spirit whole. When she finally reported...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
Ellie Kay raised 7 millennials and all graduated without student loan debt and high FICO scores. Ellie talks about how to communicate with your millennial, how to help them build a...
Based on her popular children’s book, “I Will Not Be Afraid," Michelle discusses the definition of fear and how we allow fear to creep into our lives via dread and...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 02/26/2019
Are you ready to explore the transformative impact of Christ on our lives and the world around us? Join us for a thought-provoking session with Joanna, where we’ll dive into...