Are you prepared to gain a new perspective on significance? Does God care about your address, education, past or current job title, your marital status, social status, or account...
Posted by Mary K Dunn on 01/10/2023
R. Roadmap, A. Accept Jesus, C. Courage, E. EvangelizeRoadmap - How are you going to get to your destination you ask? The bible is your roadmap for all victory.Accepting Jesus as your...
Ever have the impulse to invest the gospel in younger believers, yet have no idea where to begin? What if you could learn the relational "back pocket basics"...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
The weighty work of making disciples becomes a much more “easy yoke” process once we realize that King Jesus Himself is the...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
What if making disciples was simply a matter of becoming more intentional about the friendships you already have - and turning good conversations into God conversations?=====Even...
Excerpt from my message at Glen Rose;C.S Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”So, when we start having the attitude...
Posted by Jeannie Kirkpatrick on 12/15/2022
Thirsty? Tired? Hopeless? Discover the redeeming power of the Living Water of Christ as you take a dramatized journey with Peg to Jacob's well, where Jesus is waiting to delight...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 11/17/2022
In "How Do You Spell Joy? A-B-I-D-E," Gail gives you a deeper understanding of Christ's explicit directive in John 15:4, as well as practical ways to remain in...
As sisters in Christ, we are called to encourage one another. We need one another, and it's exciting when we commit to walking alongside our sisters! Shana Grooms will walk you...
Posted by Shana Grooms on 11/08/2022
Do you know someone who has struggled with or is struggling with the question of our purpose in this world? What does God have to do with establishing meaning for human life? In this...
Posted by Mary Jo Sharp on 10/26/2022
At a time when de-conversion stories have become all too common, Mary Jo gives an earnest response through sharing her own journey of struggling with hypocrisy in the church and with...
Posted by Mary Jo Sharp on 10/26/2022
Thanksgiving 2021—CANCELLED!Family time was a priority. So, when Keli cancelled festivities for the holiday, everyone knew there was cause for concern. Excitement was in the...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 10/25/2022