As sisters in Christ, we are called to encourage one another. We need one another, and it's exciting when we commit to walking alongside our sisters! Shana Grooms will walk you through Scripture-based teaching about how we can deepen our bond with one another as we pursue deeper relationships with Jesus.
Shana has published her latest book, Sister in Christ, I Need You: An 8-Week Study for Christian Women. This study utilizes Scripture and eight personal letters that Shana has penned to her sisters in Christ, fully realizing that she is voicing the needs of all sisters in Christ. Sisters in Christ all desire to be seen, heard, and encouraged while walking with Jesus Christ and with one another. After each letter, Shana has included Discussion Questions, a "Go Deeper" section that includes more Scripture, a written Prayer, a "Live It Out" section, and a place for Reflection.
Shana is able to speak on the topic of how sisters in Christ need one another, and she is also available to lead other groups of women through this study. You can decide how she can best meet your needs and help your vision come to life for the glory of God.