Did you know Goliath had four brothers? I think that's why David picked up 5 stones when he only needed one. He thought he might have to fight the four brothers that day. It...
Posted by Karen Porter on 12/27/2021
Beyond your wildest desires, Jesus is MORE. He is the One who is able to move in ways that we cannot even fathom. Why are we not living IN the immeasurably more of His love? Many who...
In this message women will not only learn their true value, but understand God's beautiful purpose for their lives. They'll be inspired and motivated to "step-up"...
Posted by Lori Militello on 11/03/2021
If you are married, at one time or another your spouse will need care from you, and you will surely also have to give care. My husband and I have had to lean the ins and outs of caregiving...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 10/31/2021
Do you dare to dream? In this trio of monologues about Peter's mother-in-law, Noah's wife and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, you will be inspired to go for your...
Posted by Laurie Kiel on 10/31/2021
Maribeth has lost a 14-year-old to cancer, and a 21-year-old in an accident. After struggling with depression and alcoholism for a number of years, Maribeth has grasped the loving...
Posted by Maribeth Ditmars on 10/24/2021
Jesus' LIFE provided THE WAY! Let's embrace the Words of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 together; they are a command! They instruct each of us to go beyond encouragement to a place of...
Sitting for a moment in my car, in a parking space, I opened my purse to make sure that all of my required documents were in order. And that’s when I noticed my wallet,...
Posted by Connie Ruth Christiansen on 09/07/2021
People love magicians. However, what if the greatest trick throughout eternity is the invisible enslavement of our minds. Forgiveness is the key to the door called Freedom. Check...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 08/19/2021
Through the years, I’ve had many women share with me that they’re not sure how to be friends. Regardless of the reason, many women in the church crave godly friendship,...
Posted by Nancy Jo Wilson on 08/09/2021
The world drives women to pursue impossible standards, leading to insecurity. But the Bible says you are already God's masterpiece! Ephesians 2:10 shows Christian women their true...
Posted by Nancy Jo Wilson on 08/09/2021
Do you have a special topic you want me to speak on? Message me and I will allow the Holy Spirit to inspire my words to bring the message you want your listeners to hear.It will...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 08/08/2021